Note: the most updated version is likely on my CV page.
Casey, Jim, and Sarah H. Salter. “Introduction, Locating the Practices of Editors in Multi-Ethnic Periodicals.” American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and Bibliography, vol. 31.1.
“Colored Conventions.” Frederick Douglass in Context. Ed. Michael Roy. Cambridge University Press.
The Colored Conventions in the Nineteenth Century and the Digital Age. UNC Press.
Co-editor, with P. Gabrielle Foreman and Sarah Patterson, with 16 contributors.
Lead author, introduction: “Approaches and Afterlives of the Colored Conventions, Or, How to Use This Book and Its Digital Companions.”
Author, chapter essay “Social Networks of the Colored Conventions, 1830-1864.”
“Parsing the Special Characters of African American Print Culture: Mary Ann Shadd and the * Limits of Search.” Against a Sharp White Background: Infrastructures of African American Print, edited by Brigitte Fielder and Jonathan Senchyne, University of Wisconsin Press, 2019, pp. 109–28.
“A Committee of the Whole.” Current Research in Digital History, vol. 2, 2019.
“Convention Minutes and Unconventional Proceedings.” Commonplace, vol. 16, no. 1, Fall 2015.
“Year in Conferences, 2014: Report on the C19 Convention.” Co-authored with David K. Lawrimore, Jenny LeRoy, Fiona McWilliams, Samantha Sommers. ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance. 61.1 (2015): 114-211.
Editing Forms: The Emergence of Editorship in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Periodicals (2017, with distinction) — Advisor: John Ernest.
Digital companion: ENAP | Editorial Networks of the Antebellum African American Press
Digital Scholarship
See: Public + Digital Humanities.
“Editorship as Collaboration: Patterns of Practice in Multi-Ethnic Periodicals,” April 2018 at the American Antiquarian Society, organized with Sarah Salter (Texas A&M, Corpus Christi).
This symposium considered how editorship has shaped literary history across boundaries of race, ethnicity, and language. A featured poster session involved digitizing a number of rare periodicals for open research and teaching uses. Keynote speakers Frances Smith Foster, Kirsten Silva Gruesz, and Bénédicte Deschamps. Supported by funding from the Research Society of American Periodicals, the Princeton Center for Digital Humanities, and the Isaiah Thomas Society of the AAS.
“Colored Conventions in the Nineteenth Century and the Digital Age,” April 2015, at the Delaware Historical Society and University of Delaware, organized with P. Gabrielle Foreman and Sarah Patterson.
The first-ever symposium on the Colored Conventions, supported by a grants from the Delaware Humanities Forum and the UD College of Arts & Sciences. Brought nationally-recognized scholars from English, religion, history and anthropology—along with community partners—for two-day symposium at UD and the Delaware Historical Society.