Humanities New York
Dec 11, 2018

Jim Casey
Center for Digital Humanities Princeton University
twitter: @jimccasey1

Slides from the workshop:

Digital humanities in the wild

NEH Office of Digital Humanities grants

DH Summer Institute


DH Debates 2012 + 2016 editions

DH Awards

A sample of DH Conferences (click to expand)


Digital Humanities Forum 2017 (Kansas)


Digital Frontiers 2017 (U of North Texas)

“Race, Memory, and the Digital Humanities” (recent symposium)

Our (Digital) Humanity: Storytelling, Media Organizing and Social Justice Community (Lehigh 4/18)

Varieties of digital humanities

My fuzzy categories:


text encoding: The Walt Whitman Archive & Women Writer’s Project

text mining: Quantifying Kissenger

text collation: Vincent Van Gogh Letters

text analysis: The Viral Texts Project

topic modeling:  Mining the Dispatch

Data visualization & Analysis

networks: Six Degrees of Francis Bacon, Belfast Group Poetry|Networks

maps: Borderlands Archives Cartography, Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761

timelines: Nelson Mandela’s Extraordinary Life: An Interactive Timeline

story maps: Restoring Old Havana, Place | Poem

Embodied data viz: Dear Data, Data Cuisine

physical computing: “Pu Gong Ying Tu (Dandelion Painting)” by Jie Qi

metadata as research data: Using Metadata to find Paul Revere, Collections as Data

Data curation

digitization: Digital Public Library of America, NYPL Digital Collections, Digital Aponte

transcription: Smithsonian Transcription Center, DIYHistory, Transcribe Bentham, Zooniverse

collecting: Wearing Gay History, Curatescape, Boston Marathon Digital Archive, HistoryPin

refining: Curating Menus, DH Data Curation

linked open data: Pelagios – Recogito, LinkedJazz

Digital connections

pedagogy: Hybrid Pedagogy, The American Yawp

crowdsourcing: What’s on the Menu?, Beyond Words, Scribes of the Cairo Geniza

social media: Every Three Minutes, MobyDickatSea, Documenting the Now

oral history: StoryCorps, Bracero Archive

Wikipedia: Feminist Wiki-Storming, edit-a-thons

games: Reacting to the Past, ex: Greenwich Village, 1913

community archives: DC Punk Archive, Plateau Peoples’ Web Portal

Public voices

podcasts: Left of Black, Ben Franklin’s World

e-literature: game, game, game and again game by Jason Nelson, Twine, The Electronic Literature Lab Catalog

user interfaces/UX/design: Generous Interfaces for Digital Cultural Collections,

digital exhibits: Mall History, Performing Archive: Curtis + “the vanishing race”

blogging: Black Perspectives, The Junto

Twitter suggestions: Miriam Posner @miriamkp, Bethany Nowviskie @nowviskie, UMD African American Digital Humanities @UMD_AADHum, Borderlands Archives Cartography @BACartography, Steven Lubar @lubar, Brett Bobley @brettbobley, and many, many others.

Emerging areas of critical emphasis:

Black Digital Humanities Projects & Resources:

US Latinx DH Projects:

Digital Native American and Indigenous Studies | dNAIS

Humanities New York Questionnaire, click to view form.

Data Viz Quick Tools


Google Fusion Tables

Add’l Resources & Guides


A grant-writing guide for public historians, by Sonya Lovine.

List of Grants & Funding Opportunities

Public Humanities

Reading group, “What can the public digital humanities be?”

Imagining Personas & Publics for a Digital Humanities Project

Data Visualization

Tools & Resources for Data Viz (pdf)

Evaluating DH Tools

Building and Working with a Dataset

Learn more about digital methods

Programming Historian