The Colored Conventions Project, co-director, 2012-present.

Major Grants & Awards

2018-21 Andrew W. Mellon Grant, Scholarly Communications

2017 ASA Garfinkel Prize in Digital Humanities

2016-2017 NEH Office of Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant Award (Level II)

2015 MLA Prize for a Bibliography, Archive, or Digital Project

2016, Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Award for Best Electronic Reference

Academic Citations

Fagan, Benjamin. “Chronicling White America.” American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism 26, no. 1 (2016): 10–13.

Spires, Derrick R. “The Captive Stage: Performance and the Proslavery Imagination of the Antebellum North by Douglas A. Jones (review).” Early American Literature 51, no. 1 (2016): 200–205.

Eric Gardner. and Joycelyn Moody. “Introduction: Black Periodical Studies.” American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and Bibliography 25.2 (2015): 105-111. Project MUSE. Web.

Joycelyn Moody. and Howard Rambsy II. “Guest Editors’ Introduction: African American Print Cultures.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S. 40.3 (2015): 1-11. Project MUSE. Web.

Roundtable: The Colored Conventions Project, Common-Place: The Journal of early American Life. Fall 2015.

Press & Coverage


Bond, Sarah. “How Is Digital Mapping Changing The Way We Visualize Racism and Segregation?” Forbes. Aug. 4, 2016.

Kahn, Eve. “Colored Conventions, a Rallying Point for Black Americans Before the Civil War.” New York Times. Oct. 20, 2017.

Onion, Rebecca. “Five More Digital History Projects We Loved in 2015.” Slate Magazine. Dec. 21, 2015.

Hoffman, Anne and Karl Malgiero. “History Matters: Colored Conventions.” History Matters. Delaware Public Media, 1 May 2015. Web.

Coard, Michael. “Resurrect Philly’s 1830 Black economic, educational activism.” The Philadelphia Tribune. Sept. 17, 2016.

Bies, Jessica. “UD group celebrates Frederick Douglass’ birthday.” The News Journal (DE), page 18. February 15, 2017.

Hong, Albert. “University of Delaware’s Colored Conventions Project wins an MLA award.” Delaware. Dec. 13, 2016.

Eric Ruth, Jim Casey, and P. Gabrielle Foreman. “Black Voices Arise from the Past.” University of Delaware Messenger, Vol. 24, No. 3. 1820.

Blogs & Other Coverage:

McGrath, James. “Put It In (Digital) Writing: Transcribing The Amazing Jobs of Frederick Douglass with The Colored Conventions Project.” Blog of the Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Brown University. February 22, 2017.

Rosinbum, John. “Uncovering Activism and Engaging Students: The Colored Conventions Project.” AHA Today: A Blog of the American Historical Association. Dec. 12, 2016.

Ashenfelder, Mike. “Cultural Institutions Embrace Crowdsourcing.” The Signal: Digital Preservation. Library of Congress, 16 Sept. 2015. Web.

Singh, Amardeep. “The Archive Gap: Race, the Canon, and the Digital Humanities.” Amardeep Singh, <> 14 Sept. 2015. Web.

Fox, James. “Black Originalism Part 3: The Syracuse Convention of 1864.” The Faculty Lounge. Publisher, 21 March 2015. Web.

Parasnis-Samar, Anjali. “Crowd-Sourced Project: 19th-Century ‘Colored Conventions.” Information Space. School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, 19 Feb 2015. Web.

Fagan, Ben. “Colored Conventions and the Early Black Press.” Black Press Research Collective. Black Press Research Collective, 31 January 2015. Web.

Gates, Henry Louis Jr. and Lindsay Fulton. “I’m Black, but I Want to Join the DAR. Help!” The Root, 7 March 2014. Web.

Douglass Day, 2017-present, director. 

ENAP | Editorial Networks of the Antebellum African American Press, 2016-2018. (companion to dissertation)

Black DH Projects & Resources, 2017-present. Reprinted in Fire!!! 4.1 (ASALH).

Editorship Studies, (currently in active development).

Puerto Rico Map-a-thons
Co-organizer with Princeton Center for Digital Humanities & Pace Center for Civi Engagement.
Oct & Nov, 2017

Reading Group: “What can the public digital humanities be?”
Center for Digital Humanities, Princeton University
Fall 2017- Spring 2018

Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon on Women and People of Color
University of Delaware
April 2014

Reading Group: “Diet Digital Humanities”
“Each meeting is 30 minutes; never more than 30 minutes to prepare.”
University of Delaware
Fall 2014 – Spring 2015

Recent undergraduate course(s)

“Introduction to Digital Humanities” – Spring 2018

HILT weeklong courses

“Spaces and Stories in the Black Public Humanities” – 2018

“Black Publics in the Humanities: Critical and Collaborative DH Projects” – 2017


“Intro to Digital Humanities” (Humanities New York, 2019)

“Guide to Grants in the Humanities (Princeton, 2018)

“Recounting Evidence in African American Digital Studies” (2018)

“Intro to Digital Humanities” (Humanities New York, 2017)

“Developing Public Digital Projects with Omeka” (Loyola Univ, 2017)

Recipes for Public Digital Projects –