Diet DH is a campus-wide reading group at the University of Delaware.
Each meeting is 30 minutes; never more than 30 minutes to prepare.
We welcome all students, staff, faculty, and folks from the community.
Sign up at or just show up.
Questions or ideas? Write to me [] or on Twitter using #dietDH
Spring 2015 Meetings on Tuesdays at 5:15pm in Mem 107.
Reading Schedule
Week 1 (2/24) — Public Digital Humanities
- Jesse Stommel, “The Public Digital Humanities”. (6 minutes) There are ~10 linked articles to explore and share.
Week 2 (3/10) — Online Archives, Editions, Collections, Projects
- Price, Kenneth. “Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What’s in a Name?” (28 mins)
- Choose 1 of CHNM’s Case Studies of Notable Collections to share with us.
- Bonus: DPLA and NYPL Digital Collections
Week 3 (3/17) — Teaching
- Sayers, Jentery. “Tinker-Centric Pedagogy in Literature and Language Classrooms” (22 mins)
- Rebecca Frost Davis, “Yes, but How Do You Teach Collaboration?” (6 mins)
Week 4 (3/24) — Visualization
- Data Visualization, from Stanford’s Tooling Up for DH (12 mins)
- Information Visualization Manifesto (5 mins)
- Jen Jack Gieseking, “Opaque is Being Polite: On Algorithms, Violence, & Awesomeness in Data Visualization” (3 mins)
- Optional:
- Explore this page of Selected Data Viz tools and pick one to share.
- John Theibault. Visualizations and Historical Arguments
Week 5 (4/7) — Distant Reading, or Working with Millions of Words
- Ramsay, Stephen. “The Hermeneutics of Screwing Around; or What You Do with a Million Books.” (20 mins)
- Bonus: Voyant Tools, with YouTube tutorials, and the Google Ngram Browser
Week 6 (4/14) — Race and Culture in the Digital Humanities
- Liu, Alan. “Where is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?” (6 mins)
- Roopika Risam, “On Disruption, Race, and the Digital Humanities” (6 mins)
- Gibbs, Fred. “Critical Discourse in Digital Humanities” (17 mins)
- Bonus reading: Open Thread: The Digital Humanities as a Historical “Refuge” from Race/Class/Gender/Sexuality/Disability? (Many rich comments)
Fall 2014
Meetings on Mondays at 5:30pm every few weeks.
Reading Schedule
Week 1 (10/20)
- Matthew Kirschenbaum “What Is Digital Humanities and What’s it Doing in English Departments?”
- Kathleen Fitzpatrick, The Humanities, Done Digitally.
- Bonus: What Is Digital Humanities? (click refresh a few times)
Week 2 (11/3)
- Miriam Posner, How Did They Make That?
- Reverse engineer a site each. If you’re in need of places to browse for DH projects, here’s the tip of the iceberg:
Week 3 (11/17)
- Selections from Dan Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig, Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web.
- Bethany Nowviskie, “Eternal September of the Digital Humanities” in DH Debates.