[Event held April 2014]

Announcing UD’s 1st Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon on April 26, 11-4pm in ISE Labs

Wikipedia:Meetup Page for the event   

UDaily Coverage of the event

UD's first Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon held oon april 26 in the ISE Lab sponsored by the History Department

UD’s first Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon held oon april 26 in the ISE Lab sponsored by the History Department

Over the last decade, Wikipedia has become the world’s de-facto reference source of information. Almost all of our students frequently consult Wikipedia in the course of their studies. Yet those who pay close attention to the shifting winds on Wikipedia have begun to raise calls of alarm at the poor or nonexistent representations of women, people of color, LGBT people, disabled people, and those outside of the United States and Europe.

These numbers should not surprise us, as a 2011 survey showed that over 90% of all active Wikipedia users are white, English-speaking, middle-class males. The site’s policies reflect the worldviews of this demographic.

The only way to fight this inequality on Wikipedia is to do it ourselves. To this end, a group of staff and students at the University of Delaware are holding a “Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon” on April 26 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM in ISE Labs 410.

We will start with a workshop that teaches you how to make meaningful and lasting edits, then work together throughout the afternoon. Please plan to join us, whether for an hour or for the whole event. We welcome any interested students, staff, professors and interested community members! We will have material available for you to create new articles or work on and edit. The event includes free pizza.