A space to collect all of my materials related to the digital humanities in all its infinite varieties. See also a page with all of my DH scholarship.
Sections on this page:
Digital humanities in the wild
Data Viz Tools & Resources
Grant Writing Guide
Digital humanities in the wild
NEH Office of Digital Humanities grants http://neh.gov/divisions/odh
DH Summer Institute http://dhsi.org
HILT http://dhtraining.org/hilt/
DH Debates 2012 + 2016 editions http://dhdebates.gc.cuny.edu/
DH Awards http://dhawards.org/
A sample of DH Conferences (click to expand)
DH2017 https://dh2017.adho.org/
Digital Humanities Forum 2017 (Kansas) https://idrh.ku.edu/dhforum2017
KeystoneDH http://keystonedh.network/2017/
Digital Frontiers 2017 (U of North Texas) www.library.unt.edu/events/digital-humanities-collaborative-programs/digital-frontiers-2017-exploring-edges-pushing
“Race, Memory, and the Digital Humanities” (recent symposium) oieahc.wm.edu/conferences/supported/race/index.html
Our (Digital) Humanity: Storytelling, Media Organizing and Social Justice Community (Lehigh 4/18) wordpress.lehigh.edu/odh2018/about/
Brose the many varieties of digital humanities
My fuzzy not-at-all-standard categories:
text encoding: The Walt Whitman Archive & Women Writer’s Project
text mining: Quantifying Kissenger
text collation: Vincent Van Gogh Letters
text analysis: The Viral Texts Project
topic modeling: Mining the Dispatch
Data visualization & Analysis
networks: Six Degrees of Francis Bacon, Belfast Group Poetry|Networks
maps: Borderlands Archives Cartography, Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761
timelines: Nelson Mandela’s Extraordinary Life: An Interactive Timeline
story maps: Restoring Old Havana, Place | Poem
Embodied data viz: Dear Data, Data Cuisine
physical computing: “Pu Gong Ying Tu (Dandelion Painting)” by Jie Qi
metadata as research data: Using Metadata to find Paul Revere, Collections as Data
Data curation
digitization: Digital Public Library of America, NYPL Digital Collections, Digital Aponte
transcription: Smithsonian Transcription Center, DIYHistory, Transcribe Bentham, Zooniverse
collecting: Wearing Gay History, Curatescape, Boston Marathon Digital Archive, HistoryPin
refining: Curating Menus, DH Data Curation
linked open data: Pelagios – Recogito, LinkedJazz
Digital connections
pedagogy: Hybrid Pedagogy, The American Yawp
crowdsourcing: What’s on the Menu?, Beyond Words, Scribes of the Cairo Geniza
social media: Every Three Minutes, MobyDickatSea, Documenting the Now
oral history: StoryCorps, Bracero Archive
Wikipedia: Feminist Wiki-Storming, edit-a-thons
games: Reacting to the Past, ex: Greenwich Village, 1913
community archives: DC Punk Archive, Plateau Peoples’ Web Portal
Public voices
podcasts: Left of Black, Ben Franklin’s World
e-literature: game, game, game and again game by Jason Nelson, Twine, The Electronic Literature Lab Catalog
user interfaces/UX/design: Generous Interfaces for Digital Cultural Collections,
digital exhibits: Mall History, Performing Archive: Curtis + “the vanishing race”
blogging: Black Perspectives, The Junto
Twitter suggestions: Miriam Posner @miriamkp, Bethany Nowviskie @nowviskie, UMD African American Digital Humanities @UMD_AADHum, Borderlands Archives Cartography @BACartography, Steven Lubar @lubar, Brett Bobley @brettbobley, and many, many others.
Emerging areas of critical emphasis:
Black Digital Humanities Projects & Resources: http://bit.ly/Black-DH-List
US Latinx DH Projects: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wtOeETfLvCv4ZYKxj0xiB6mqh3GfFqvRv8U9LVr_OkM/edit?usp=sharing
Digital Native American and Indigenous Studies | dNAIS http://digitalnais.org/
Add’l Resources & Guides
Public Humanities
Reading group, “What can the public digital humanities be?”
Imagining Personas & Publics for a Digital Humanities Project
Learn more about digital methods
Programming Historian https://programminghistorian.org/
Project management
DevDH http://devdh.org
Project Management for the Digital Humanities https://scholarblogs.emory.edu/pm4dh/
Data Viz Tools & Resources
Data Viz Tools on the Web
Google Fusion Tables – graphs & charts
Voyant – text analysis & graphs
Palladio – maps, network graphs, gallery views
RAW by Density – flexible graphs
Datawrapper – flexible graphs with labels
Flourish – flexible graphs easy to embed as html
Historypin – online maps with a focus on historical subjects
TimelineJS – timelines
Timeline Storyteller – multi-faceted timelines
Timeline.knightlab.com – timelines through a template
Juxta Commons – compare versions of texts
StoryMaps – story map
OdysseyJS – story map
ESRI StoryMaps – story map
TimeMapper – maps with timelines
Data Viz tools that need to be installed or downloaded
Omeka/Neatline – collecting items, maps with timelines
Gephi – network graphs
Related Tools for Processing Data
OpenRefine – like spell check for datasets
See: Getting Started with OpenRefine, by Thomas Padilla
Geocodio – easiest & cheapest option to translate place names into GPS coordinates
School of Data Essentials – key skills to understand, manage and work with data
Find even more tools:
Tooling Up for Digital Humanities
Catalog of tools by Alan Liu, Dept of English, UCSB
A Survey of Data Visualisation
A Tour Through the Visualization Zoo
Resources for ‘Data Visualisation for Analysis in Scholarly Research’ by Mia Ridge
Stanford’s Tooling Up for Digital Humanities
A collection of resources for learning Data Visualization
Elliott, “39 studies about human perception in 30 minutes”
Tableau, Which chart or graph is right for you?
Rost, “Your Friendly Guide to Colors in Data Visualisation”
Abela, The Chart Chooser
Cairo, The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization
Grant Writing Guide
I’ve often joked that writing grants is a mix of near-future science fiction and math. To that end, here are a few resources that help with the often-confusing process of writing and developing proposals for grants in the humanities.
Grants are a social process: Try to start talking with your institutional grant office as soon as possible. They may be able to help you in many ways, including in the relationships your organization might have already with funders and foundations. They can often help you craft a letter of inquiry (LOI) before the grant proposal stage, saving time & focusing your efforts. At most national funding agencies and foundations, the program officers will be invaluable sources of advice, feedback, and encouragement. Consult their websites and CFPs closely. Seek out examples of previously funded proposals. Part of the program officer’s job is to help people secure funding — they are there, after all, to give money to people doing great work.
I have co-authored more than a dozen grant proposals in the last few years, and I’m always happy to talk shop, share examples, etc. I may also be available for workshops on the art of grant writing.
Workshop slides: bit.ly/cdh-grants-workshop-2018.
This page contains:
1. Crafting grant proposals
2. External grant opportunities
3. Additional Resources & Guides
Crafting grant proposals
Suggested timeline
At least 3-4 months before deadline
brainstorm ideas for grant-funded activities
identify funding source requirements
coordinate collaborators
3 months before deadline
draft proposal and budget
coordinate with internal/external partners
6 weeks before deadline
share proposal for feedback
Preparing proposals
Read the call for proposals carefully
Read their mission statement
Seek out examples of successful proposals
Anticipate the reviewer’s rubric from the CFP
Organizing proposals
Study the guidelines in the CFP carefully
Incorporate the language of the CFP into your proposal
If the CFP has section, use those section headings
Start with the budget as early as possible
Making the case
What is unique about your proposed activities?
What are we going to learn that we do not know now?
Why is it worth knowing?
Why will over-worked reviewers care?
Drafting the proposal
In the opening section:
Establish the importance for non-specialists
What is unique or original about this project?
Why is this project needed?
If useful, why hasn’t this project been attempted before?
Details to include in the proposal
Where are you going to do this work? (Fields, places, ideas)
What, specifically, are you going to do during the grant period?
What will you produce in outcomes?
Why are the funds crucial?
How are you going to do it? (Methods, collaborators, etc)
How do you know the scope & ambition is appropriate?
Who is going to do this work? How are they qualified?
Who and how will the project be sustained? (E.g. data management plans)
Tips for proposals
Title should describe your project to a lay audience
Write in the future tense “I will…” or “We will…”
Short paragraphs, succinct sentences, skip the jargon
Share a prototype or early samples
Avoid just creating a to-do list
Where useful, try posing questions instead of assertions
Don’t explore, ponder, or meditate — do it!
Be realistic & enthusiastic
When in doubt, use a hero narrative
External grant opportunities
National Endowment for the Humanities
- Match your project to NEH programs: http://www.neh.gov/grants/match-your-project
- Office of Digital Humanities: http://www.neh.gov/grants/odh
- Digital Projects for the Public: https://www.neh.gov/grants/public/digital-projects-the-public
- Humanities Collections and Reference Resources: https://www.neh.gov/grants/preservation/humanities-collections-and-reference-resources
- Collaborative Research Grants: http://www.neh.gov/grants/research/collaborative-research-grants
- Federation of State Humanities Councils (56 state & jurisdictional humanities councils): http://www.statehumanities.org/about-us/
- CLIR Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: https://www.clir.org/hiddencollections
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
- Grant opportunities: https://www.archives.gov/nhprc/announcement
- Literacy and Engagement with Historical Records: https://www.archives.gov/nhprc/announcement/literacy.html
- Public Engagement with Historical Records: https://www.archives.gov/nhprc/announcement/engagement.html
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: http://www.sloan.org/apply-for-grants/grant-proposals/
- Mellon Foundation: http://www.mellon.org/grant_programs/programs
- Lilly Foundation grants: http://www.lillyendowment.org/guidelines.html
- John Templeton Foundation: https://www.templeton.org/grants
- Henry Luce Foundation Theology Program Grants: www.hluce.org/theologyrecentgrants.aspx
- Kresge Foundation: http://kresge.org/programs/education#title0
- Samual H. Kress Foundation: http://www.kressfoundation.org/grants/main/
Additional Resources & Guides
Writing Effective Grant Proposals for Individual Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Susan Stanford Friedman
Some Candid Suggestions on the Art of Writing Proposals
Adam Przeworski and Frank Salomon, Social Science Research Council
Taking public history for granted: A grant-writing guide for public historians
Sonya Lovine
Over 300 examples of funded grants in the humanities
Published in the University of Florida Institutional Repository
Additional Resources about Grants and Grant Writing (lists several great books)
UW Madison Writing Center